See more comfortably and clearly. Learn ways to care for your vision yourself. Holistic Vision Improvement is based on the fact that we see better when we’re relaxed. Seeing is a natural process, like digesting, sleeping and breathing; there are things we do that can hinder or help these activities. Whether you have always seen clearly and want to preserve your good sight or if you’ve worn glasses or contacts for years, you can take more charge of your vision. In this two hour class you will learn simple things you can do and habits you can change, so you see more easily and with more clarity.
Sadly, there will be no Spring Classes this year due to the Coronavirus and the difficulties of planning at this time.
The Barn at Lightwater, 43 Mast Cove Road, Eliot, Maine 03903
(3 miles from Portsmouth, NH)
Everyone is welcome! Discover simple, practical ways you can help yourself to better vision and understand the reasons why your vision can improve. A great preparatory evening for the day-long class.
Daylong Workshops:
Eyes In Focus:
Sadly, there will be no Spring Classes this year because of the Coronavirus and the difficulties of planning at this time.
The Barn at Lightwater, 43 Mast Cove Road, Eliot, Maine 03903
(3 miles from Portsmouth, NH)
Learn how to take care of your vision, to see more comfortably and clearly, reduce or prevent your dependence on glasses, be less sensitive to bright light, read more fluidly and more. This class is designed for adults with functional eye issues such as near and far-sightedness, astigmatism, sensitivity to sunlight, eye strain, strabismus (crossed or wall eyes), and amblyopia. If you are suffering from cataract, macular degeneration or other more serious condition and would like to learn how to use and care for your eyes differently, please contact Rosemary to see if this class might suit your needs.
(Attending the free 2 hour class in preparation for the daylong is highly recommended for everyone, unless you’ve taken it before.)
Cost: $180 for First-timers; $90 for Repeaters, who say, “It’s like a day at the spa for my eyes.”
For more information or if you want to be placed on a waiting list for the class, contact Rosemary or call 207-439-9821
Seeing From The Core
Dates to be announced
You are invited to join us for some concentrated vision time. Time to relax, explore and loosen your eyes, your mind and your body. Time to practice centering at your core, being present and letting yourself see more fully, clearly, and easily.
Bring your Vision Journal, your insight, your near sight and your farsight. Connect with others and find support and camaraderie on the road to good vision.
This class is for people who have worked with me for at least 9 hours or who have done equivalent work with another teacher. Please call to discuss.
To register or for more information call Rosemary at (207) 439-9821 or email her.
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